
A composable to programmatically control overlays.


Use the auto-imported useOverlay composable to programmatically control Modal and Slideover components.

<script setup lang="ts">
const overlay = useOverlay()

const modal = overlay.create(MyModal)

async function openModal() {
  • The useOverlay composable is created using createSharedComposable, ensuring that the same overlay state is shared across your entire application.
In order to return a value from the overlay, the can be awaited. In order for this to work, however, the overlay component must emit a close event. See example below for details.


create(component: T, options: OverlayOptions): OverlayInstance

Creates an overlay, and returns its instance

  • Parameters:
    • component: The overlay component
    • options The overlay options
      • defaultOpen?: boolean Opens the overlay immediately after being created default: false
      • props?: ComponentProps: An optional object of props to pass to the rendered component.
      • destroyOnClose?: boolean Removes the overlay from memory when closed default: false

open(id: symbol, props?: ComponentProps<T>): Promise<any>

Opens the overlay using its id

  • Parameters:
    • id: The identifier of the overlay
    • props: An optional object of props to pass to the rendered component.

close(id: symbol, value?: any): void

Close an overlay using its id

  • Parameters:
    • id: The identifier of the overlay
    • value: A value to resolve the overlay promise with

patch(id: symbol, props: ComponentProps<T>): void

Update an overlay using its id

  • Parameters:
    • id: The identifier of the overlay
    • props: An object of props to update on the rendered component.

unmount(id: symbol): void

Removes the overlay from the DOM using its id

  • Parameters:
    • id: The identifier of the overlay

overlays: Overlay[]

In-memory list of overlays that were created

Overlay Instance API

open(props?: ComponentProps<T>): Promise<any>

Opens the overlay

  • Parameters:
    • props: An optional object of props to pass to the rendered component.
<script setup lang="ts">
const overlay = useOverlay()

const modal = overlay.create(MyModalContent)

function openModal() {{
    title: 'Welcome'

close(value?: any): void

Close the overlay

  • Parameters:
    • value: A value to resolve the overlay promise with

patch(props: ComponentProps<T>)

Updates the props of the overlay.

  • Parameters:
    • props: An object of props to update on the rendered component.
<script setup lang="ts">
const overlay = useOverlay()

const modal = overlay.create(MyModal, {
  title: 'Welcome'

function openModal() {

function updateModalTitle() {
  modal.patch({ title: 'Updated Title' })


Here's a complete example of how to use the useOverlay composable:

<script setup lang="ts">
const overlay = useOverlay()

// Create with default props
const modalA = overlay.create(ModalA, { title: 'Welcome' })
const modalB = overlay.create(modalB)

const slideoverA = overlay.create(SlideoverA)

const openModalA = () => {
  // Open  Modal A, but override the title prop{ title: 'Hello' })

const openModalB = async () => {
  // Open modalB, and wait for its result
  const input = await

  // Pass the result from modalB to the slideover, and open it.{ input })

    <button @click="openModal">Open Modal</button>

In this example, we're using the useOverlay composable to control multiple modals and slideovers.