Getting Started


Learn to customize Nuxt UI component colors, enhancing your application visual theme.

Build colors

Nuxt UI components provide dynamic color variants. By default, these variants classes are generated based on the default Tailwind CSS colors. Let's take the Button component as an example:

  <UButton color="green">Button</UButton>

You can change these colors with the theme.colors option in your nuxt.config.ts to select only the colors you're actually using.

For example, if you added a custom cerise color and only use the default blue and green colors in your application, you can configure the colors option like this:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxt/ui'],
  ui: {
    theme: {
      colors: ['cerise', 'blue', 'green']
Make sure to use color ranges from 50 to 950. You can use tools like UI Colors to generate your palette.

This configuration will ensure that only classes for those three colors are generated in your final CSS bundle. When you use the color prop, it will be typed and provide autocompletion in your editor with those three colors.

  <UButton color="cerise">Button</UButton>

Runtime colors

Default aliases

Nuxt UI introduces three key color aliases used to style components:

  • primary: Main brand color, used as the default color for components.
    • Default: green
  • error: For form error validation states.
    • Default: red
  • gray: Neutral color for backgrounds, text, etc.
    • Default: slate
    • slate | cool | zinc | neutral | stone
The Tailwind CSS gray color is renamed to cool in Nuxt UI to avoid conflicts with the gray alias.

You can configure these aliases in your app.config.ts file under the ui.colors key:

export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    colors: {
      primary: 'blue',
      error: 'orange',
      gray: 'zinc'

This powerful feature leverages Nuxt App Config, enabling dynamic styling of all components at runtime. It allows for real-time theme customization without requiring an application rebuild.

We recommend using these colors in your application whenever possible with classes like text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400, border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-800 or bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 for example.
These alias colors don't need to be explicitly listed in the colors option of your nuxt.config.ts. Also, if you've set primary to a custom color (e.g., cerise), you don't need to list cerise in the colors array.
You can try this out by using the menu in the header of this documentation.

Custom aliases

You can also add your own color aliases to be configurable at runtime in your app.config.ts file:

  1. Define the alias color by using CSS variables to let Tailwind know about it:
@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui";

@theme {
  --color-secondary-50: var(--color-secondary-50);
  --color-secondary-100: var(--color-secondary-100);
  --color-secondary-200: var(--color-secondary-200);
  --color-secondary-300: var(--color-secondary-300);
  --color-secondary-400: var(--color-secondary-400);
  --color-secondary-500: var(--color-secondary-500);
  --color-secondary-600: var(--color-secondary-600);
  --color-secondary-700: var(--color-secondary-700);
  --color-secondary-800: var(--color-secondary-800);
  --color-secondary-900: var(--color-secondary-900);
  --color-secondary-950: var(--color-secondary-950);
  1. Set a default value for the color alias in your app.config.ts file:
export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    colors: {
      secondary: 'indigo'
  1. Add this color to the colors option of your nuxt.config.ts file to generate classes:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxt/ui'],
  ui: {
    colors: ['secondary']
  1. You can use the secondary color alias in your application and use classes like text-secondary-500 dark:text-secondary-400:
  <UButton color="secondary">Button</UButton>