Getting Started


Learn to customize Nuxt UI components using Tailwind CSS v4 and the Tailwind Variants API.

Tailwind CSS

Nuxt UI v3 uses Tailwind CSS v4 alpha which doesn't have a documentation yet, let's have a look on how to use it.


Tailwind CSS v4 takes a CSS-first configuration approach, you now customize your theme with CSS variables inside a @theme directive:

@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui";

@theme {
  --font-family-sans: 'Public Sans', sans-serif;

  --breakpoint-3xl: 1920px;

  --color-green-50: #EFFDF5;
  --color-green-100: #D9FBE8;
  --color-green-200: #B3F5D1;
  --color-green-300: #75EDAE;
  --color-green-400: #00DC82;
  --color-green-500: #00C16A;
  --color-green-600: #00A155;
  --color-green-700: #007F45;
  --color-green-800: #016538;
  --color-green-900: #0A5331;
  --color-green-950: #052E16;

The @theme directive tells Tailwind to make new utilities and variants available based on those variables. It's the equivalent of the theme.extend key in Tailwind CSS v3 tailwind.config.ts file.

You can learn more about this on

This is exactly what the @import "@nuxt/ui"; is all about, it extends the default Tailwind CSS theme and declares the primary, error and gray colors to be configurable through the App Config but we'll talk more about that in the Colors section.


You can use the @source directive to add explicit content glob patterns if you want to look for Tailwind classes in other files that are not automatically detected.

This can be useful when writing Tailwind classes in markdown files with @nuxt/content:

@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui";

@source "../content/**/*.md";
You can learn more about the @source directive in this pull request.


You can use the @plugin directive to import Tailwind CSS plugins.

@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui";

@plugin "@tailwindcss/typography";
You can learn more about the @plugin directive in this pull request.

Tailwind Variants API

Nuxt UI components are styled using the Tailwind Variants API, which provides a powerful way to create variants and manage component styles. Let's explore the key features of this API:


Components in Nuxt UI can have multiple slots, each representing a distinct HTML element or section within the component. These slots allow for flexible content insertion and styling. Let's take the Card component as an example:

export default {
  slots: {
    root: 'bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 ring ring-gray-200 dark:ring-gray-800 divide-y divide-gray-200 dark:divide-gray-800 rounded-lg shadow',
    header: 'p-4 sm:px-6',
    body: 'p-4 sm:p-6',
    footer: 'p-4 sm:px-6'

Some components don't have slots, they are just composed of a single root element. In this case, the theme only defines the base slot like the Container component for example:

export default {
  base: 'max-w-7xl mx-auto px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8'
Components without slots don't have a ui prop, only the class prop is available to override styles.


Nuxt UI components use variants to change the slots styles based on props. Here's an example of the Avatar component:

export default {
  slots: {
    root: 'inline-flex items-center justify-center shrink-0 select-none overflow-hidden rounded-full align-middle bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800',
    image: 'h-full w-full rounded-[inherit] object-cover'
  variants: {
    size: {
      'sm': {
        root: 'size-7 text-sm'
      'md': {
        root: 'size-8 text-base'
      'lg': {
        root: 'size-9 text-lg'
  defaultVariants: {
    size: 'md'

This way, the size prop will apply the corresponding styles to the root slot:

  <UAvatar src="" size="lg" />

The defaultVariants property specifies the default values for each variant. It determines how a component looks and behaves when no prop is provided. These default values can be customized in your app.config.ts to adjust the standard appearance of components throughout your application.

Customize components

You have multiple ways to customize the appearance of Nuxt UI components, you can do it for all components at once or on a per-component basis.

Tailwind Variants uses tailwind-merge under the hood to merge classes so you don't have to worry about conflicting classes.
You can explore the theme for each component in two ways:


You can override the theme of components inside your app.config.ts by using the exact same structure as the theme object.

Let's say you want to change the font weight of all your buttons, you can do it like this:

export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    button: {
      slots: {
        base: 'font-bold'

In this example, the font-bold class will override the default font-medium class on all buttons.

ui prop

You can also override a component's slots using the ui prop. This has priority over the app.config.ts configuration and variants resolution.

      leadingIcon: 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400 size-3'

In this example, the leadingIcon slot is overwritten even though the md size variant would apply a size-5 class by default.

class prop

The class prop allows you to override the classes of the root or base slot. This has priority over the app.config.ts configuration and variants resolution.

  <UButton class="font-bold rounded-full">Button</UButton>