
A comprehensive guide to migrate your application from Nuxt UI v2 to Nuxt UI v3.

Nuxt UI v3.0 is a new major version rebuilt from the ground up, introducing a modern architecture with significant performance improvements and an enhanced developer experience. This major release includes several breaking changes alongside powerful new features and capabilities:

  • Tailwind CSS v4: Migration from JavaScript to CSS-based configuration
  • Reka UI: Replacing Headless UI as the underlying component library
  • Tailwind Variants: New styling API for component variants

This guide provides step by step instructions to migrate your application from v2 to v3.

Migrate your project

Update Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS v4 introduces significant changes to its configuration approach. The official Tailwind upgrade tool will help automate most of the migration process.

For a detailed walkthrough of all changes, refer to the official Tailwind CSS v4 upgrade guide.
  1. Create a main.css file and import it in your nuxt.config.ts file:
@import "tailwindcss" theme(static);
  1. Run the Tailwind CSS upgrade tool:
npx @tailwindcss/upgrade

Update Nuxt UI

  1. Install the latest version of the package:
pnpm add @nuxt/ui@next
pnpm add @nuxt/ui-pro@next
  1. Import it in your CSS:
@import "tailwindcss" theme(static);
@import "@nuxt/ui";
@import "tailwindcss" theme(static);
@import "@nuxt/ui-pro";
  1. Wrap you app with the App component:
  1. Add the @nuxt/ui-pro module in your nuxt.config.ts file as it's no longer a layer:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
-  extends: ['@nuxt/ui-pro'],
-  modules: ['@nuxt/ui']
+  modules: ['@nuxt/ui-pro']
  1. Wrap you app with the App component:
    <NuxtPage />

Changes from v2

Now that you have updated your project, you can start migrating your code. Here's a comprehensive list of all the breaking changes in Nuxt UI v3.

Updated design system

In Nuxt UI v2, we had a mix between a design system with primary, gray, error aliases and all the colors from Tailwind CSS. We've replaced it with a proper design system with 7 color aliases:

primarygreenMain brand color, used as the default color for components.
secondaryblueSecondary color to complement the primary color.
successgreenUsed for success states.
infoblueUsed for informational states.
warningyellowUsed for warning states.
errorredUsed for form error validation states.
neutralslateNeutral color for backgrounds, text, etc.

This change introduces several breaking changes that you need to be aware of:

  1. The gray color has been renamed to neutral
- <p class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" />
+ <p class="text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400" />
You can also use the new design tokens to handle light and dark mode:
- <p class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400" />
+ <p class="text-(--ui-text-muted)" />

- <p class="text-gray-900 dark:text-white" />
+ <p class="text-(--ui-text-highlighted)" />
  1. The DEFAULT shade that let you write text-primary no longer exists, you can use color shades instead:
-  <p class="text-primary">Hello</p>
+  <p class="text-(--ui-primary)">Hello</p>
  1. The gray, black and white in the color props have been removed in favor of neutral:
- <UButton color="black" />
+ <UButton color="neutral" />

- <UButton color="gray" />
+ <UButton color="neutral" variant="subtle" />

- <UButton color="white" />
+ <UButton color="neutral" variant="outline" />
  1. You can no longer use Tailwind CSS colors in the color props, use the new aliases instead:
- <UButton color="red" />
+ <UButton color="error" />
Learn how to extend the design system to add new color aliases.
  1. The color configuration in app.config.ts has been moved into a colors object:
export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
-   primary: 'green',
-   gray: 'cool'
+   colors: {
+     primary: 'green',
+     neutral: 'slate'
+   }

Updated theming system

Nuxt UI components are now styled using the Tailwind Variants API, which makes all the overrides you made using the app.config.ts and the ui prop obsolete.

  1. Update your app.config.ts to override components with their new theme:
export default defineAppConfig({
   ui: {
     button: {
-       font: 'font-bold',
-       default: {
-         size: 'md',
-         color: 'primary'
-       }
+       slots: {
+         base: 'font-medium'
+       },
+       defaultVariants: {
+         size: 'md',
+         color: 'primary'
+       }
  1. Update your ui props to override each component's slots using their new theme:
- <UButton :ui="{ font: 'font-bold' }" />
+ <UButton :ui="{ base: 'font-bold' }" />
We can't detail all the changes here but you can check each component's theme in the Theme section.

Renamed components

We've renamed some Nuxt UI components to align with the Reka UI naming convention:

VerticalNavigationNavigationMenu with orientation="vertical"
HorizontalNavigationNavigationMenu with orientation="horizontal"

Here are the Nuxt UI Pro components that have been renamed or removed:

DashboardCardRemoved (use PageCard instead)
DashboardModalRemoved (use Modal instead)
DashboardPanelContentRemoved (use #body slot instead)
DashboardSectionRemoved (use PageCard instead)
DashboardSidebarLinksRemoved (use NavigationMenu instead)
DashboardSlideoverRemoved (use Slideover instead)
FooterLinksRemoved (use NavigationMenu instead)
HeaderLinksRemoved (use NavigationMenu instead)
LandingCardRemoved (use PageCard instead)
LandingFAQRemoved (use PageAccordion instead)
LandingGridRemoved (use PageGrid instead)
LandingHeroRemoved (use PageHero instead)
LandingTestimonialRemoved (use PageCard instead)
PricingSwitchRemoved (use Switch or Tabs instead)

Changed components

In addition to the renamed components, there are lots of changes to the components API. Let's detail the most important ones:

  1. The links and options props have been renamed to items for consistency:
- <USelect :options="countries" />
+ <USelect :items="countries" />

- <UHorizontalNavigation :links="links" />
+ <UNavigationMenu :items="items" />
This change affects the following components: Breadcrumb, HorizontalNavigation, InputMenu, RadioGroup, Select, SelectMenu, VerticalNavigation.

This page is a work in progress, we'll improve it regularly.